5900 Monticello Road
A special project covering students and staff and the places they treasure the most on Mill Valley's campus

5900 Monticello Road: Project Overview

Junior Trinity Wilson is greatly impacted by her time spent on the track
At one point or another, the track is a place nearly all students at Mill Valley spend time on for various school activities, but for junior Trinity Wilson the track is more than just another place on campus. Wilson became a member of the track team in middle school and has loved the sport ever since. During the season, she spends up to three hours on the day on the track when possible. After a lo...

Band room creates a comfortable space for junior Dakota Wilson
For the average student, the band room may not seem different than any other, but for junior Dakota Wilson the room has become a special place. Wilson takes Music Theory, Symphonic Band and Jazz Band in the band room. Spending up to three hours of her day there creates a comfortable setting. “It's a good environment to go to,” Wilson said. “Even if you're not in band at the moment, you...

Senior Vanessa Pennington finds motivation in the hilarious atmosphere of Spanish teacher Edith Paredes’s room
Listed in the course guide, Spanish is just a description of language topics and prerequisites. But for senior Vanessa Pennington, it is much more. According to Pennington, Spanish teacher Edith Paredes has made a positive impact on her life, making Paredes’ classroom her favorite place at Mill Valley. Pennington said the room is her favorite is because of Paredes’s teaching style, which bala...

English teacher Kristen Crosbie creates inviting environment within her classroom
Posters of the places she’s traveled cover her walls, student IDs and humorous photos line the edges of her whiteboard and an articulate drawing of Venice takes up the majority of her whiteboard. To students, it’s a vibrant English teacher’s classroom; to English teacher Kristen Crosbie, her classroom is home. “I’m [in my classroom] more than I am at my house normally, and I just feel lik...

Long hours spent at the soccer goal result in a life-long love of soccer for sophomore Grace Goetsch
Mill Valley students pass by the soccer goal every day, but few know its significance to the players that spend their time there. To sophomore Grace Goetsch, the soccer goal acts as a second home and reflects her hard work and determination. Soccer has been a part of Goetsch’s life since she was three and she has been a goalkeeper since she was six. These many years in the goal led to her passion for...

Freshman Whitney Van Dyke and friends frequent main hallway after school
As the 2:55 pm bell rings, students pass through the main hallway, either in the rush to go home or to an after-school activity. Some students, however, decide to socialize well after school gets out. Freshmen Whitney Van Dyke, Cadee Morris, Lanie Whitehill and Ali Greenhalgh have formed a group on the outskirts of the main hallway, in between the Catty Shack and C-101. The group began meeting ...

Sophomore Jessie Coleman appreciates the Upper C locker banks
To the average eye, the Upper C locker banks don’t seem like somewhere one would consider extravagant or special. However, if they went in the morning they would find sophomore Jessie Coleman and her friends doing a variety of things from playing the ukulele to laughing at jokes. Sitting around a window, Coleman and her friends can be found hanging out and talking during the few minutes they have ...

Freshman Analiese Wilhauk enjoys the Upper B locker banks
The Upper B locker banks are a popular place for freshman to gather and meet with their friends before school starts. One of these students is freshman Analiese Wilhauk. She originally chose the location because it was close to her locker, but now it has become a gathering place for her and many of her friends. Wilhauk usually meets with her friends in the morning before classes and they discuss ...

Junior Brady Watkins treasures experiences in cross country coach Chris McAfee’s room
After school during the winter workout season in cross country coach Chris McAfee’s room, A215, runners meet to discuss the day’s workout for winter training. Among these runners is junior Brady Watkins along with his friends, junior Mike Turner and seniors Riley Arthur and Thomas Hopkins. During the winter, many cross country and track runners participate in winter workouts to keep in shape. Bef...

Sophomore Andrew Thomas cherishes time spent in physics teacher Chad Brown’s room
Physics teacher Chad Brown’s classroom is often bustling with activity before, during and after school. Many Science Olympiad members are in his room almost every day. Sophomore Andrew Thomas goes to Brown’s room a lot and has developed sentimental value for the room. Thomas considers Brown’s classroom his favorite spot at Mill Valley because of all the time he spends there with his f...

Sophomore Gi-gi Lin spends free time in the library
For many students, the only time spent in the library is during English class, but for sophomore Gi-gi Lin, spending time in the library has become an everyday occurrence. Librarian Andy Shelly says Lin is one of the few students that he sees on a frequent basis “She is in here a couple times a week at least, if not more,” Shelly said. “I think it is great that she enjoys being here so...

Senior Meghan Clark spends every morning with friends in art teacher Jerry Howard’s Room
At some point or another, nearly every student in high school finds a place on campus to kick back, relax and hang out with friends. This place can be on a sports field or in a locker bank, but for senior Meghan Clark, this place is in art teacher Jerry Howard’s room. Clark became involved with the art program at Mill Valley her junior year when she took Art 1 taught by Howard. Since then, she ...

Senior Jake Campbell spends time with teammates in lunchroom
When students walk into the cafeteria in the morning, it is almost certain they will see senior Jake Campbell and other football players sitting at one of the tables.This is because of zero hour, a before school weights training program the football team participates in every morning all school year. The players are finished with zero hour around 7:15 every morning, so they are usually the first...
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