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Seven questions with musical lead Chloe Stewart

Seven questions with musical lead Chloe Stewart

What character are you playing in A Christmas Carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Past.

What is your favorite thing about your character?

The music that I get to sing, and the costume is pretty awesome too.

What is the best part of being in a school production?

Getting to know other people that are interested in performing and just working together to create a show.

Which do you prefer, musicals or plays?

Musicals, because the music adds another level of excitement to the storyline.

What is the most difficult thing that you have to deal with as an actress?

Managing my time between schoolwork and rehearsals.

What is the best thing?

The best thing is when you get to perform for an audience and see all of your hard work come together.

How does it feel at the end of a production?

It’s a bittersweet feeling because it’s so exciting to finally get to perform after all of the months of rehearsals. But it’s sad because you only get to do it a few times, and you don’t want it to end.


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