A guide to de-stressing finals week

As simply eating your favorite food, finals can become low-stress

James Ball, JagWire reporter

Entering my high school career, one word haunted me to no end: finals. This word has caused teenagers to be scared since the dawn of time. I entered this fateful week my freshman year worried sick for what was to come. However, in the end I came out on top, proving that finals don’t have to be stressful.

Doing what you love is the ultimate way to relax and relieve stress. My personal favorite activity is to eat. I love food to no end. Thus, the weekend before finals, while some people would study to no end, I cook as much of my favorite food as possible. Focusing on these delectable treats helps keep my mind and body relaxed. For others this may be to run, or maybe to draw, or to read. It doesn’t matter the activity, the important thing is to frequent these activities before or throughout the week.

Now, studying is what makes finals so stressful. So by making studying less stressful, you make finals less stressful. I recommend that you study only what you don’t know or fail to remember. For me, this allows my mind take in new information, avoiding the monotony of old topics or subjects. However this isn’t the only way to take the stress out of studying. The most universal advice is to simply study in small bits. This allows for pacing rather than stuffing your brain full of information.

However, for me, being comfortable is key when studying. When I decide to study I gather all of my study materials for my finals. This allows me to not have to run back and forth for my materials when I move between subjects. Next, I grab my comfort food, and I have it handy for when I study. I then proceed to the comfiest spot in my house which allows not only my mind, but my body relax. I additionally make sure I have extra comfort food for whenever the week gets rough.

To many, finals week is inevitably stressful. However this doesn’t have to be the case. By simply doing what you love, and taking the stress out of studying, you can achieve a stress free finals week.

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