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Action not limited in latest Tom Cruise film

Action not limited in latest Tom Cruise film

Returning to the big screen for the fourth installment in the Mission: Impossible saga, Tom Cruise reprised his role as Impossible Mission Force, or IMF, agent Ethan Hunt in the incredibly action packed Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol.

 The film has raked in nearly $170,000,000 since its release in December 2011, and for good reason. At the risk of having the world to fall victim to nuclear holocaust, Hunt must make his away across Europe and the Middle East to reacquire stolen launch codes for nuclear weapons before his enemy, Cobalt, can utilize the codes to shoot off the missiles. Meanwhile, the President has enacted Ghost Protocol, disavowing the IMF and, in essence, making them enemies to the U.S.

 As always, the makers of Mission: Impossible have kept the action new and fresh by being as imaginative as possible when creating the IMF’s high-tech gear, utilities beyond what the viewers are expecting. Considering the third movie came out in 2006, new and better technology was a necessity, and it was one that the makers fulfilled. Gloves that allow the agents to climb over 1,000 feet in the air like Spiderman, transportable walls that take on the background they conceal and the revival of the ever-famous flesh masks used by spies all combine to keep the viewer enticed as the agents carry on their mission.

 Of course, all of that is nothing without the climactic action that fills the film. Its PG-13 rating is derived almost entirely from its high number of climaxes and conflicts. Anybody looking for the return of the action found in the first three movies will not be disappointed; Ethan Hunt never fails to teach his enemies why he is not to be messed with. In the end, that’s probably what the fans are looking for.

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