Lizzie’s Lists of Helpful How-To’s: Equality for all

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Happy Wednesday ladies and gents, it’s the day after blog day! I know, I’m sorry I’m late but better late than never, right? As you may know my blog is all about giving advice in areas that teens may struggle with, but this week things will be a little different. Now, let’s take a trip back to kindergarten; a place where we all learned to treat each other equally regardless of gender, race or religion. But wait? Sexual preference isn’t included, but shouldn’t it be?

This week I will be giving a list of commonly said phrases from people who do not approve of the LGBT community and why their statements make absolutely no sense. In this blog you can expect a whole lot of common sense and a little bit of sass. Enjoy.

1. “It goes against the Bible.” I have five words for you: separation of church and state. Not familiar with this term? It basically means that not everyone practices the same religion so religion should not be connected to the law. I don’t think I could say anything else to clarify this anymore than it already is.

2. “It will corrupt children.” Okay, if you believe this, chill. Gayness isn’t a disease, you can’t catch it. People don’t choose to be gay either. A child will not see a man and a man together or a woman and a woman and then decide to be like that too.

3. “It’s not natural.” This is the real kicker. Tell me please, what is natural? Natural is a word that can mean different things to everyone. Is that food you’re eating natural? Is the device you’re using to read this with right now natural? Natural has many connotations. Just because it isn’t your natural instinct to be sexually interested in someone of the same gender, doesn’t mean it’s not someone else’s.

4. “It’s my personal opinion to disagree.” It’s not an opinion, it’s flat out discrimination.

5. “I don’t want to see it because it’s gross.” Who’s forcing you to look? You’re in control of your eyes, so move along and direct them elsewhere.

6. “Men and women were meant to reproduce.” Are you saying that it is every single couple’s duty to reproduce? We have over seven billion people on this planet, I’m pretty sure having more children isn’t necessary. Also so many children were abandoned or are orphans. These children need parents and what better than two loving and accepting people who can’t have any of their own to adopt them?

Who are you to prevent the union of two people in love? I hope this can open your mind a bit more and make you more accepting of people who are different. Same-sex marriage should be legalized in every state, even in every part of the world. There’s absolutely no reason for it not to be legal but there are hundreds of reasons as to why it should be. Please if you are for some reason against it, think about it more. Try to put yourself in their shoes. I will always celebrate and support equality and I hope you will do the same.

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