Blog: High-waisted weirdness
First there were shorts, then there were yoga pants, now swimsuits? What is the deal with this high-waisted madness? Personally, I’m not a fan. However, that might just be because I am absolutely, positively not the right shape for high-waisted anything.
You should be wary of high-waisted shorts. Pulling them off is practically Mission Impossible. They can either make you look like Miley Cyrus (circa post-Hannah Montana, pre-“Bangerz”) or a tragically bloated baby in a denim diaper.
I noticed Pink started producing high-waisted yoga pants. Seriously, why? It’s like you’re asking for embarrassing front wedgies. For the sake of your peers, wear high-waisted yoga pants with extreme caution.
Last and certainly least are high-waisted swim bottoms. I understand the whole “retro” thing they’ve got going on, but honestly it looks more like 90-year-old woman meets maternity wear meets the 1990s. Why would anyone purposely inflict those tragic tan lines onto themselves?
Wear what looks good on you and steer clear of high-waisted bottoms. Otherwise, you will most definitely appear to have a denim diaper, have a front wedgie and/or embody the train wreck that was 1990s fashion.

Senior Adri Talavera is entering her third year on the JagWire staff, this year as the opinions editor and co-business manager.