Lizzie’s Lists of Helpful How-To’s: How to be more social

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For some people, socializing and opening themselves up to others can be difficult, especially for shy or new people. So whether you’re shy, new, or just looking to open up your social circle, here are a few nifty tips.
1. Join clubs or activities that interest you. You’ve probably heard this a million times but it really does help to find people who enjoy similar things and while you’re having fun doing something you love, you’re simultaneously making new friends.
2. Step out of your comfort zone. I don’t mean by complying to negative peer pressure. I do not condone giving up your values and who you are in order to ‘fit in’. By stepping out of your comfort zone I mean talking to people who you usually wouldn’t or trying an activity you’ve never done before.
3. Realize that people are a lot nicer and accepting than you think. It took me a while to figure out this one. I was always very afraid that people were judging me or they didn’t like me. If you find someone intimidating, try opening up and being friendly because chances are they’re not as scary as you think.
4. Think positively. If you look at things through a positive perspective it gives you a better outlook on life and people will automatically get drawn to your positive ways. Negativity isn’t necessary and you might even end up brightening someone’s day especially if you’re giving them a compliment. Just make sure you’re not overdoing it and being fake.
5. Take an interest in others. Remember facts, hobbies, events coming up for your friends, etc. If you talk about yourself all the time, try switching the conversation to your friend’s side every once in a while. People appreciate when they feel truly cared about.
6. Don’t be judgmental. People go through hard times and everyone deals with things differently. You never know what someone is going through and more judgment is the last thing people need. Think about how you would feel if you were having a bad day and you catch someone glaring at you. They don’t seem very approachable or kind now do they?
7. Don’t talk about people behind their back. This is embarrassing for the victim and it’s not mature. No one wants rumors spread about them and if you speak negatively of others it shows that you don’t have respect for others or even yourself.
Just in general, be lighthearted and kind. Make sure you’re not trying too hard and have fun with whatever you’re doing.

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