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Blog: Last quarter plans

Blog: Last quarter plans

At this week’s meeting we tried to focus on the events that we have planned for the rest of the year.

On Friday, April 5 we are having the Prom pep assembly to announce the king and queen candidates. This will be the last pep assembly of the year, so students should come ready to represent their class.

The next big event that we are planning is Mayhem. Mayhem consists of a faculty versus students basketball game, a dodge ball tournament, a talent show, and mud volleyball. StuCo members will be working lunches during the month of April for students to sign up.

It is hard to believe that this week was the first week of the last quarter of the year. StuCo has done such a great job with hosting activities and getting the student body involved. I hope the last events that we host go well and we end the year on a good note.

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