Blog: My story obsession

Everyone has a story inside them, from your old neighbor down the street to that kid that sits next to you in math class. Here is where I’ll share my stories and give you some advice on how you can share yours. But first, I should probably give out some quick information on how this blog is going to work. This is the second year of Pursuing Plotlines, and like last year I will be posting weekly pieces of writing. It is my intent for most of these pieces to be part of a series. However, I am also planning on posting the occasional writer’s advice blog, where I go over different strategies about the writing process.

Now here is a little piece to start things off.

I’ve always loved stories. And I’m not some snob who discriminates on genre or medium either. It doesn’t matter if it’s some classic novel or an indie film. There’s just something about them. It’s just that feeling of being in someone else’s shoes, being part of their world, a world where happy endings aren’t just a wishful concept. I know it’s probably a little sad, but most of the time I almost know, and are closer to, fictional characters. But how could I not be? How could I not feel close to Harry Potter after watching him go from the scared boy under the cupboard to killing Lord Voldemort. And to be honest, fictional people are always more interesting than real people. Hmm, talk about your first world dilemmas or go and watch “The Lord of the Rings”? Such a hard choice.

My parents say that my story obsession is a problem and there’s probably a psychological disorder that describes this. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that crazy people can have the best stories. And that’s what I want, my own story. My own adventure. I haven’t had much luck. But I know that one of these days something is going to happen. I’d give anything for something to happen.

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