Boys basketball loses 85-83 in the substate semifinal

The double overtime loss ends the team’s season with a 15-6 record

Hailee Ford and Meg McAfee

The boys basketball team fell to Blue Valley West with a score of 85-83 at Mill Valley Tuesday, Feb. 28. The teams ended their season with a 15-6 record after losing by two in double overtime.

Junior Kael Drummond shared what strengths and weaknesses he displayed during the game.

“I believe that I was able to play good defense and I wasn’t scored on very often. I also executed the A Press very well and was able to get a steal,” Drummond said. “I could have driven and kicked more to get others open for shots. I do wish that we could’ve won so that we could still be in the tournament.”

Senior Nen Matlock described the aspects of his game that he executed well and areas in which he could have improved.
“A specific play that I executed well was driving to the rim and cutting the score difference down to two points,” Matlock said. “However, I wish I could have hit both my free throws though and possibly won us the game. I also could have improved my shooting ability around the perimeter”

Reflecting on the game, Drummond expressed what he was feeling during the final seconds of the game as well as what he believes his team did well.

“I think that our team was able to make shots really well. However, our free throw percentage was not great. The team just didn’t shoot free throws as well as we could have,” Drummond said. “When we got down to the last minute of the second overtime, I was just feeling nervous because we were still losing.”

Keeping himself positive for his team, Matlock explained what he did well as a leader to keep his teammate’s spirits up. 

“Something that I did well was keeping my teammates motivated and striving to win the game even though it was so close towards the end. In the last minutes of the second overtime, I still had hope that we could pull out and have a chance at winning,” Matlock said. “I think that the team did a good job fighting till the end and never quitting.”

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