Boys swim team had its first meet of the season and had one relay team qualify for state

The team was one of eight schools at Lansing High School and placed seventh overall

By Hunter Ristau

Freshman Avery Lawson dives into the pool

Ally Nguyen, JagWire editor-in-chief

The boys swim team had its first meet on Saturday, Dec. 3 against seven other schools.

During the 200 Yard Medley Relay, sophomore Chris Sprenger, senior Garrison Fangman, junior Carter Lawson and freshman Colby Beggs qualified for state with a time of 1:53.15.

Although freshman Colby Beggs has been swimming for six seasons outside of school, he was still nervous for this meet.

“I was nervous because it was my first high school swim meet,” Beggs said.

Although, in the end he was satisfied with the results.

“I think I did good for my first high school meet,” Beggs said. “I also feel like the team did really well for a small team, we were pretty outnumbered.”

Not every first time competitor was nervous though. Freshman Cahill Eckardt, who has been swimming since he was six years old, said he was confident going into the meet.

“[I was] pretty confident because I know that we have a good team and most of the team has some experience with swimming,” Eckardt said. “We also have great coaches.”

Eckardt was also happy with his and the team’s results.

“I think I did fantastic because all of our relays were really good and we were just amazing,” Eckardt said. “We qualified for state.”

The next swim meet will be at Turner High School on Wednesday, Dec. 14.

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