Choir hosts their spring concert

The choir department held their spring concert Tuesday, March 29

Kate Haney, JAG editor-in-chief

Jag Chorale, Jag Singers, Grace Notes and Bass Choir held their annual spring concert under director Jessie Reimer. The concert took place on Tuesday, March 29 in the Performing Arts Center. 

Explaining her thoughts, sophomore Violet Hentges described how it felt to perform onstage. 

“Performing is always nerve-wracking, but with the nerves aside it’s so much fun and I love it. It always feels amazing to be on stage,” Hentges said. “I love performing in front of a crowd. I am in Jag Singers which is a smaller audition group so you can hear yourself really well which makes it fun.” 

Reflecting on how the concert went, Reimer explained her favorite and least favorite parts. 

“My favorite part about the concerts is getting to showcase the songs that we have spent so much time working on. The energy is really high and I love seeing the students get excited and perform at their best,” Reimer said. “My least favorite part of the concert is waiting for the concert to begin. I get anxious and nervous, especially as the auditorium fills up. But, nerves are a good thing too, because it means we are alert and that we care.”

Senior Avery Warren talked about the best things about being in choir. 

“My favorite thing about choir is the family aspect of it. I love having a group of people that are there to support me in the things I do,” Warren said. “I also love all the opportunities I get to have an experience. It makes all the practices and performances worth all the hard work.”

Looking back, Reimer tells what she would have wanted to change about the concert. 

“I wish I was a better public speaker. I guess that’s another one of my least favorite parts about the concert, having to speak,” Reimer said. “Although I plan on what to say, in the moment I sometimes forget things or wish I had been more articulate.”

Overall, the concert ended successfully and Hentges expressed her love for choir.

“I love having concerts for choir, they make all the time and effort worth it,” Hentges said. “I really loved our spring concert and I got to sing eight songs since I am in two choirs.”

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