Classes need to feature more political discussion
Political discussion is a great way to build students’ knowledge on topics and help them form their opinions
September 12, 2019
Politics. A word that makes so many immediately tune out a conversation because they know what is coming next will be either incredibly boring or controversial. While politics at times can indeed be boring and controversial, it is vitally important for students to be informed, and school is a great place to start.
One of my favorite classes from high school was AP European History. It wasn’t because I had friends in that class or because I had a great teacher, although those did help, it was the focus on discussion. The focus on discussion allowed me to share my political ideas and hear the opposing sides points, giving me the opportunity to not only challenge what I had previously thought, but to reconcile different opinions and build my knowledge on a subject.

Sadly, many students don’t take very many discussion based classes or just choose not to stay up to date on current events. In fact, a study from the National Opinion Research Center found that 60 percent of teens paid little attention to the news following last year’s midterms.
While it may not seem important to be informed, a lack of information can have real consequences. According to Kevin Schultz, a reporter with 15 years of experience, being politically knowledgeable and participating in political discussion is the best way to fight for change. Whether you are passionate about abortion rights, climate change, gun control, taxes or any other assortment of issues, the best way to really learn your opinion and fight for change is political discussion.
Although it may seem boring, more classes need to incorporate discussion about the current political landscape into the curriculum. Whether it is comparing the current trade war to 17th century mercantilism in history, or comparing books like the Diary of Anne Frank to current conditions at the US border in English, political discussion can be incorporated into classes more often to make sure students are informed and are able to form their political beliefs.