Community gathers for Homecoming parade, pep rally and bonfire
Over 400 people filled the stands for the pep rally
The community gathered in the Grey Oaks subdivision to celebrate Homecoming festivities for the parade, pep rally and bonfire on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Students, children and residents lined up the sidewalks to receive candy and watch each club, sports team or class float go by.
“I thought [the parade] was amazing,” freshman Spencer Butterfield said. “I was walking with the band and it was fun.”
StuCo began preparations for the parade, bonfire and pep rally two weeks before the school year began, and StuCo sponsor Erica Crist explained the work that went into the events.
“The pep rally is easy [to plan], and the bonfire is planned by the Booster Club,” Crist said. “The parade [requires] a lot of paperwork and communication. It’s the paperwork of the students submitting parade entry forms, submitting their waivers…and getting kids to sign up for things [that is difficult].”
Boys soccer placed first in the float contest, with a shiny gold replica of the World Cup trophy as its centerpiece, the musical placed second and Silver Stars placed third. First place received $250, second place $175 and third place $75. Junior class president Clayton Kistner said the students this year showed plenty of school spirit in the parade and other Homecoming week events.
“I think [this week was] very successful…from Monday to Tuesday, we went from an average of 35% [participation] to about a 60% average,” Kistner said. “I’m excited for Friday because everybody gets dressed up and it’s not that hard to wear spirit wear.”
Kistner also enjoyed the involvement of the community during the events.
“I’m in the band, and I just like walking past all the people and they all seem so excited,” Kistner said. “Future jaguars, past jaguars, current jaguars, or [people] who don’t even have kids going here, or ever will, are just so excited because the school is such a big part of the community.”

Senior Sydney Carson joined the JAG Yearbook staff her sophomore year and is now a co-editor-in-chief of the JAG yearbook. She enjoys reading, her dogs, monograms, frockets and the University of Arkansas razorbacks. WOOO PIG SOOIE!

Alana Flinn is a third year staffer who is looking forward to a year full of new experiences. As editor-in-chief, Flinn hopes to finally win a Pacemaker for Mill Valley News while maintaining the quality of JagWire. She will also continue to report on her favorite sport, football. Flinn’s favorite quote is: "Every person you meet, every single one, is looking for their story. There are no exceptions. You become part of it by how you treat them."...