Counselor Randy Burwell explains Ed-Tech benefits
This is part of a feature on students with part-time jobs in their area of career interest.
What do you think about the value of experience over education in a classroom?
[Students in Eudora Ed-Tech] are still getting education in a classroom but the experience factor just brings it home and makes it more real. Sometimes you’ll hear students in math say, “Why am I taking this?” because they don’t see the application and in these classes, they might not always appreciate the book work but once they get into the experience end of things, they see the connection, they understand it, and it makes more sense. So I think it rounds that educational piece, those components of what that career might envision, and gives them a clear indication that, “Yes, this is a career area that I truly want to pursue,” or, “Maybe this is just an interest area that I kind of want to do on the side or do as a hobby,” or, “This isn’t for me at all.” It just helps students be more clear about what it is they want to do, because they’ve not just had the education component of it, but have also had the experience component and they’ve been in the field doing the work.What would you suggest to someone who knows what they want to do but doesn’t know where to start?
Mrs. Caves teaches a career and life planning class here at Mill Valley … that I wish was a graduation requirement for all students because it really does help students … to kind of know what matchups would be good opportunities for them. In that class, students do job shadow experiences. While not every student will have that chance to be in that career and life planning class, they can still set up that job shadow experience. I think that is really that critical piece for people. It’s important for people to follow their passion. We spend more time as adults in our jobs than we do with our family and friends, so if you aren’t happy in your workplace, chances are that spills over into your personal life and the relationships you have outside of work. It’s important for people to make sure that what they’re wanting to do is a good fit, that it’s something that they will like and know that if you get into something that you don’t like that you always have options.

Senior Jack Lopez is in his third and final year on the newspaper staff. After being a reporter one year and the opinions editor the second, he will be the managing and copy editor for the 2013-2014 publication. When he isn't in the journalism room, Jack is usually playing soccer, making music or working. One of his favorite quotes is "Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your...