Daily Announcements
Monday, Sept. 16
Math teacher Amy Welzenbach’s blue 1 class to come pick up the 2.4 worksheet.
A reminder that there is no Quiz Bowl practice after school today. Practice will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week.
StuCo members – if you want to attend the regional StuCo conference next Tuesday, sign up with StuCo sponsor Erica Crist TODAY.
There is a mandatory meeting this Friday during seminar for anyone considering competing in Track and Field in the spring. It will be brief but important. Last year’s letters, bars, and pins will also be passed out at this meeting.
Join the MVHS Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, Oct. 2. If you would like to decorate and ride on a class float, see StuCo sponsor Erica Crist in GL102 as soon as possible.
All Homecoming parade participants must turn in a signed waiver by Tuesday, Sept. 24. Pick up a waiver from your seminar teacher, the office, GL102, or the StuCo website.
VOYAGER STUDENTS: Pullouts this week are: Tuesday, Sept. 17 – S4 Wednesday, Sept. 18 – B1
Thursday, Sept. 19 – S3 and S4 Stop by the Voyager room and check out the posters for more information!
The September Read & Review meeting will take place this Thursday during seminar period. Stop by the media center to sign up for a place at the meeting. Space is limited so sign up soon!
Today marks the beginning of Constitution Week, as first adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. The Daughters of the American Revolution have provided materials that are on display just inside the doors of the media center for this week long celebration. Stop by the media center to check them out.
Interested in becoming a Student Ambassador? Stop by the Counseling Office for information and an application. The deadline to apply is tomorrow.
Seniors…Please stop by the Counseling Office to sign up for your senior interviews.
Next Friday is the registration deadline for the October 26 ACT exam which will be given at Mill Valley. Students may register on-line for the exam at actstudent.org/start.
MVHS will host a two evening ACT Test Prep Class on October 17 and October 24 from 6:30-9:00, for a cost of $60. Students may sign up and pay for the test prep class in the Counseling Office.
MVHS is offering a PSAT Test Prep Class on the two Wednesday evenings prior to the actual exam for a cost of $50, since there is a major scholarship component for juniors in this National Merit exam. Sign up and payment for this test prep class can be done in the Counseling Office.

Senior Sydney Carson joined the JAG Yearbook staff her sophomore year and is now a co-editor-in-chief of the JAG yearbook. She enjoys reading, her dogs, monograms, frockets and the University of Arkansas razorbacks. WOOO PIG SOOIE!