The Royals game is still on. Seniors who are attending the Royals game will now report to third block for attendance and then should go directly to the activities entrance to tailgate and eat lunch before boarding the busses. We will depart at 11:30 a.m. and will return by 5 p.m. Please dress warmly.
The Zoology trip has been cancelled.
Today during seminar, there will be no social studies assessments. They will be done tomorrow.
Please come to the auxiliary gym this Friday during seminar to celebrate National Sport and Physical Activity Week. There will be a Zumba session for anyone interested in being active during seminar.
Any AP U.S. Government and Politics student who wishes to get extra review for the upcoming exam need to look at social studies teacher Jeff Strickland’s AP Government website for times and dates review sessions will be offered.
Junior NHS members: please remember that officer applications for next year are due to sponsor Kristen Chavez by Monday, May 6.
Horizon Elementary is in need of face painters this Friday, May 3 night from 5:45-8 p.m. for their family fun night. They will feed you if you attend. Please see art teacher Jodi Ellis to sign up for this event- you can receive community service hours for this.
This Friday, May 3 is the deadline for seniors to turn in their scholarship forms to the counseling office so that no one is overlooked at our awards ceremony or graduation program. We would also like seniors who have enlisted in the military at this point in time to name the branch of the service they have joined on that same scholarship form. If you need another copy of the form, please request one in the counseling office
JV track athletes: uniform check-in will be today after school at the field house. Make sure all uniform and sweats are clean. There will also be a JV track meeting during seminar next Tuesday to discuss the KVL track meet and their jobs.
If you are going to Europe with Spanish teacher Edith Paredes this summer, you must attend to a meeting this Thursday, May 2 at 2:30 p.m.
Students interested in being a freshman mentor for next year please pick-up an application from the counseling office and return it by Friday, May 10.
Tickets for the spring play may be purchased form director Jon Copeland during seminar or before or after school. “You Can’t Take It With You” runs tonight-Saturday May 4. Tickets are $3 for students or $6 for anyone else.
Any girl interested in playing tennis next fall must attend a pre-season meeting next Monday, May 6 during seminar in coach Alyssa Meyer’s room.
The eleventh annual art exhibit is at Country Club Bank. The artwork will be on display through Friday, May 3. Please take the opportunity to come view the work of our talented art students.
Voyager students: the final pullout for this week is Thursday, May 2 during Silver Four. Stop by our room and check out the posters for more information.
Drivers’ Ed forms are now available in the office and on line. Cost is $200 and classes begin the week of Monday, June 3.
Detentions are in room A101.