DECA receives the School Based Enterprise (SBE) Chapter Certification award for the Catty Shack

DECA sponsor Dianna Heffernon-Myers and DECA president Aneesa Ismail share their thoughts on receiving the award

Payton Ross, JAG reporter/photographer

DECA received the School Based Enterprise (SBE) Chapter Certification for the Catty Shack and will therefore be able to compete at the upcoming Nationals.There are three levels you can qualify for: bronze, silver and gold. DECA was able to achieve gold for their excellence. Senior Aneesa Ismail explains the reasoning for their placement.

“This award recognizes our achievements in the operation of our school store,” Ismail said. “We applied for this months ago. With the incredible help of [DECA sponsor Dianna] Heffernon[-Meyers] and our school store president [senior] Bret Weber, we were able to start the application process.”

Heffernon-Myers then described the process they had to complete in order to apply for this award. 

“We put together a 57 page document that listed characteristics of the store, how the store operates, how our business is set up, etc.,” Heffernon-Myers said. “I have always known what we’ve done here is gold level, but finding the time and taking the effort to put the 57 page document together and categorize everything and get it submitted was really exciting.”

Due to this award, the DECA team is now able to go to Atlanta, Georgia for Nationals. 

“There were 10 sections in this report we put together and every year at Nationals, they pick one topic and we have to do an oral and visual presentation,” Heffernon-Myers said. “This year, the topic is human resource management.”

According to Ismail, there are four main pieces that DECA will include in their presentation. 

“The four things we will do in our presentation will be explaining human resources management functions,” Ismail said. “We will show how to foster the ‘right’ environment for employees, how to facilitate employee learning and how to assess employee performance.” 

Heffernon-Meyers then explained the judging process and standards that the DECA team will have to achieve. 

“There are certain criteria and performance standards that we’re given that we have to meet in our presentation. Everybody is judged equally and we know what those standards are before we go in, just like every other school does,” Heffernon-Meyers said. “There will be a first round and if you make it through the first round you go to the finals. Then they will recognize at Nationals the top 10 schools in the country. It’s Nationals, so it’s not just the US. Canada is there, China is there. It’s huge.”

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