Evan Sherman

Evan Sherman

Don’t overwhelm yourself with activities or APs

There is no one right way to go through high school. Every high schooler has something different that motivates them or makes them happy, whether it be pursuing sports, joining multiple academic clubs, taking as many advanced classes as they can or just getting passing grades. Whatever it is you want to pursue in high school, your first priority should always stay the same: learning.

I have been a part of debate, forensics, theatre, robotics, part-time jobs and the newspaper you’re reading right now. Thanks to high school, I have learned programming, photography, philosophy, journalistic writing, how to invest and many different fields of science. Learning as much as I could has always been the goal of my high school experience, and now I have a plethora of paths I can take with my life.

The message I’m trying to send is not to join as many clubs and AP classes as you can and overwhelm yourself with responsibilities. It is important not to take on more than you think you can handle at once. Whatever it is you like doing, now is the time to learn about it, get as good as you possibly can at it, and try to diversify your skillset. College is when you should hone in on a specific field of work that you like best, which is why it’s important to try everything now. If you think you might be interested in something but aren’t sure, give it a go. Worst case scenario, you’ll learn something new. 

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