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Facebook motivates senior Sarah Davis to live healthy

Facebook motivates senior Sarah Davis to live healthy

Losing weight is generally a personal task, however senior Sarah Davis decided to post photos on Facebook of her losing weight. Davis decided to lose weight because she “felt extremely unhealthy” and she “saw a chance to change [herself].”

Davis did this because she wanted people to encourage her to keep going.

“I wanted everyone I know to hold me accountable,” Davis said. “I guess I wanted a ‘crowd’ to keep me motivated because after trying this before, I knew alone I would have probably given up.”

The reactions that Davis received from people on Facebook surprised her.

“People who I haven’t even spoken to in several years were rooting me on; it was a nice feeling,” Davis said. “I never knew that many people had my back. Also, once I had “after” pictures, people were telling me that I was inspiring. That was definitely a wonderful response that I never expected.”

Including having support from others, Davis goes to Lifetime Fitness to exercise and has also changed her eating habits in order to lose weight.

“I’ve been eating a lot more eggs for protein,” Davis said. “And I’m eating more fruits and vegetables.”

Ever since Davis began exercising regularly, she has improved her self-esteem and has more energy.

“My self-confidence is much better,” Davis said. “I have so much energy than I used to. I have the will to get out of bed.”

For anyone wanting to lose weight, Davis says to start off light in workouts and then increase once you get the hang of it.

“Start off with light cardio and weights for a couple of months,” Davis said. “Once you have those muscles you can handle more cardio. If you’re not seeing the weight come off, it’s probably because you’re not eating right. I’ve learned that you need more protein if you’re going to be building up muscle.”

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