Flix for You: It’s storytime!

“How I Met Your Mother” is a show about a man telling his children how he met their mother

Kendall Gaignat, JAG sports editor

I’m sure everyone has heard those “Back in my day …” stories from our parents a time or two. This show is all about these stories, but this is one that doesn’t involve parents talking about their old-fashioned technology, phones with a cord or how they only had three channels on their TV.

“How I Met Your Mother” is a show all about a man named Ted recounting the events that led up to him meeting his future wife and mother of his kids to his teen children. He mentions his bunch of friends he always hangs out with in every episode. Barney is the party animal that always gets the ladies; Marshall and Lily are the couple that has been together since forever and, in addition, Marshall is Ted’s best friend; Robin is a Canadian that’s famous for her alter ego, Robin Sparkles; Ted is the most mellow of them all and he’s on the search for the love of his life. In fact, throughout the entire show, Ted dates a total of 29 women before he finds the one he wants to be with forever.

The group of friends lives in Manhattan, NY and you can always find them hanging out at their favorite pub, MacLaren’s. They recount parts of their college life and how they became the group of friends they are today.

In the show, they do some wacky stuff. Marshall and Barney have an ongoing slap-bet for years, the alter ego Robin Sparkles is revealed and Barney made up “The Bro Code” which he says dates back to the time when Caesar was around.

The bunch of friends is a very unique one but just missing one, the entire show wouldn’t be the same. There’s nine seasons worth of comedy so it’s a perfect show to binge over spring break. Every episode is different and is well worth the time spent.

See you next time!

Kendall Gaignat

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