Former English teacher Ashley Agre creates a new environment in the library

Media Specialist Ashley Agre revamps the library after taking on her new position

Q: What made you decide to take on this position? 

Media Specialist Ashley Agre: “I have really wanted to be a librarian for 5-6 years. I taught for 16 years and this year was the perfect opportunity for me to change. I’ve always thought it would be fun to be a librarian because I love being around books,  talking about books as an English teacher and I felt like this was the next step.”

Q: What do you miss most about being in the classroom?

AA: “The relationship with students. When it’s time for the freshman to read “Romeo and Juliet” I know I’m really going to miss teaching it but mainly I’ll miss the bond with the classes and students individually. I’m getting to know other kids but it’s different when you’re in the classroom teaching.”

Q: What are some challenges you have faced taking on this role?

AA: “The hardest thing about this job was the schedule. I was so used to a structured bell system but when I got down here that doesn’t exist and it has become more flexible. For someone like me who thrives on a schedule it was really hard.”

Q: What is your goal for the library? 

AA: “I want this to be a very welcoming, comfortable place for kids. I don’t want them to just come in when their teachers bring them down for class. My biggest goal is to make this a place where it’s normal for kids to hang out here. I also always want more kids to check out and read books.”

Q: What is the biggest change in the library?

AA: “Previous media specialist Ashley Bennet made a lot of changes prior to me that I have continued on with. I think I took a lot of her ideas and kept them going. I did create a quiet study room which gets used quite frequently and kids seem to like it a lot.”

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