Freshman boys form recreational team

The Red Bulls enjoy a season of non-serious competition in soccer

By Karissa Schmidt

Racing ahead of the other team, freshman Jack Matchette pushes off a defender to get the ball on Sunday, Nov. 28.

Jason Chen and Braden Shaw

Four teammates of freshman Jack Matchette quickly rush into position in a desperate struggle to maintain control of the ball. After a couple passes, the soccer ball ricotes off the wall and ends up in the back of the net. It’s a goal and the team celebrates their success with enthusiasm.

The scene appears to be a serious soccer match; however, in reality, the game is played only for pure enjoyment and amusement by the recreational indoor soccer team, the Red Bulls.

“We started [the team] last year at the beginning of the year,” Matchette said. “We started with nine players and then added three extra.”

The team consisting of the 12 freshman boys developed after Matchette watched his brother compete in a recreational indoor soccer team.

For freshman goalie Trevor Wieschhaus, being a part of the Bed Bulls is a good means for bonding with his friends and teammates.

“I just want the memories of coming out here every weekend and playing the games,” Wieschhaus said. “All of my friends do it and it’s a lot of fun.”

The team’s season lasts for around two months, during which they play eight games. To prepare for their season, the Red Bulls take no extra measures.

“We kind of just show up at game time and just see how it goes,” Matchette said. “We’re doing pretty good and we’re going to end the season strong.”

According to freshman Nick Phillips, the Red Bulls will continue to compete in soccer games throughout high school.

“I think we’ll be doing this for awhile because we are having a blast and we don’t plan on stopping,” Phillips said. “We don’t take it too seriously and we have fun with it.”

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