Freshman finds enjoyment in wood carving
Freshman Austin Snyder shares how he began wood carving
Displaying his original wooden carvings, freshman Austin Snyder spends his free time delicately carving and painting his handmade figurines.
Focusing on every detail of the wooden figure he recently started carving, freshman Austin Snyder put the finishing touches on his carving of a gnome on Tuesday, Feb. 17.
Austin took an interest in wood carving eight years ago.
“My grandpa took me when I was about six years old and started me in [wood carving],” Austin said.
Austin usually carved and painted small gnome-like figures. They were very complicated designs and required a great amount of detail.
“I use knives and other tools to make things like Santas or cowboys,” Austin said.
Austin’s mother, Tammy Snyder, said that Austin carves more than just figures.
“He also carves bark houses,” Tammy said. “They are truly unique since the is no pattern and it’s solely based on his imagination.”
In the final process of creating a new figure, after he carved the wood. Austin painted the eyes and any other part of the carving with acrylic paint. After Austin dipped the carving in boiled linseed oil, he watered down the paint he used and started painting the rest of the carving. Once finished, he sprayed it with a matte finish to seal the colors in.
Although Austin’s carvings took anywhere from 20 to 30 hours to complete, he liked wood carving because it could be a fun and relaxing hobby.
“I try to spend around two hours at a time on a carving,” Austin said. “It’s harder than it looks but it’s also very relaxed and you don’t have to get a certain amount done so you just get to do whatever you want.”
Tammy said she hoped that Austin continued to pursue wood carving in the future.
“It’s a hobby he can carry through his life,” Tammy said. “He can continue to be capable of a very artistic vision.”

This is junior Kaitlyn Moore's second year on the JAG yearbook staff. She is an organizations editor, photographer and a reporter. She enjoys painting, playing soccer and working with Special Olympics Project UNIFY in her free time.