Freshman orientation kicks off new school year

StuCo, with the help of JLC and NHS, led incoming freshmen through a day of activities designed to get them acquainted to their new school

Gabby Delpleash, Mill Valley News editor-in-chief

Freshmen received a warm welcome to the building from student council, Jaguar Leadership Corps and National Honor Society at freshman orientation Wednesday, Aug. 17. Orientation consisted of rotations leading students around the school, a presentation from their counselors, team-building activities in the main gym and a Q&A session led by school upperclassmen.

According to student body president Brianna Coup, orientation gives school representatives a chance to give freshmen an opportunity to see the inner workings of the school and become better acquainted before the year starts. Coup, along with student body vice president Avery Blubaugh, was in charge of welcoming the incoming freshmen class during the pep assembly portion of orientation.

“The freshmen were able to peek into what Mill Valley has to offer and finally have a chance to better navigate themselves around the school,” Coup said. “I think, now, they’re going to be more motivated to go out and get involved.”

Coup believes that despite nerves surrounding the start of high school, many of the new freshmen are unfazed and very excited to start school at the building.

“I love [the freshmen’s] energy. I think they came in this morning all smiles and once they got in the groove of things they were so much fun,” Coup said. “I enjoyed freshman orientation today more than I have in a long time. This class is going to be great.”

Senior StuCo representative Sophia Chang wanted orientation to emphasize the thrill of entering high school.

“As a freshman, I thought freshman orientation was really cool so to be on the other side of the event was a very exciting experience,” Chang said. “I remember how exciting coming to this school was for me so I hope that we did a good job of making today exciting for them.”

After meeting the class of 2026, many upperclassmen are hopeful for the future that they will bring to Mill Valley.

“I hope these freshmen take any chance they can to get involved,” Coup said. “I hope they show up [to school events] as much as they can. But most importantly, I hope they fall in love with Mill Valley so much that they can’t wait to come back next year.”

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