Girls basketball team victorious over Bonner Springs

Lady Jags win against the Bonner Springs Braves 40-31

Kate Ocker, JAG student life editor

The girls basketball team defeated Bonner Springs 45-41 on Tuesday, Feb. 16, making its season record 12-4.

The team went into the game expecting tough competition, because last time the team played Bonner Springs, it lost 47-44 on Friday, Jan, 8.

“We knew it was going to be a dogfight from the beginning because it was a dogfight at their house and we wanted revenge on [Bonner Springs],” Hendrix said. “It was a tough back and forth.”

The fierce competition made the win more rewarding for sophomore guard Evan Zars.

“We were really excited to play them again because we wanted to have another chance to beat them, so we were really excited when we did,” Evan said.

Zars credited some of the team’s success to its home turf advantage.

“We have more people here to supporting us and it’s just more fun,” Zars said. “It’s exciting when the band plays and gets us pumped up, and the student section when we get some people.”

Henrix, however, said the team fought hard for the win because of the rivalry with Bonner Springs.  

“We knew it was going to be a tough game, so we wanted to play hard every chance we got.

It felt really good,” Hendrix said.

The Lady Jags will play the Piper Pirates away on Friday, Feb. 19. According to Hendrix, it will be an exciting game, because the team lost to Piper in a close battle earlier this season.

“This Friday, we have a big game coming up against Piper,” Hendrix said. “It was a close game last time, so that would be really good to beat them.”

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