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High school has helped set me up for future successes

High school has helped set me up for future successes

Thirteen years of preparation have led me to tomorrow – graduation. This pivotal moment didn’t come easily; there have been loads of struggles here and there. But, high school works to prepare us for the difficult tasks that lie ahead of each of us. I have struggled with being motivated like everyone but, having a goal in high school, like being President of the United States, has taught me to strive for the best.

I have experienced the uncertainty and tension about what lies ahead, just like the rest of the class. There was even a point when I thought I could do anything just by trying, but it takes so much more than that to succeed. I am going to a great school, but it isn’t where I saw myself even three months ago. It hurt to be rejected from Georgetown University, but it is the instruction I have received here that has taught me to overcome the challenges of life, to fail, and then to get back up.

But, high school is about falling and getting back up, just like it was when I got rejected. It is about the challenges you are faced with and your ability to learn from them, and that is what prepares us for such tasks like a career and college in the future. I saw the failure in myself, but I couldn’t let it keep me down forever, it is time to move on.

I’m afraid for the future, I am afraid of going to college and leaving my family and friends, but high school has trained me, and hopefully the rest of the class, to not be afraid to fail. Tomorrow we conquer our biggest goal, graduating. The fear of what comes after is just like the fear of starting each year. I know we can do it together, because I truly do feel we are prepared by the staff and the school to do so, and for that I am forever grateful.

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