International Thespian Society inductee ceremony
New members gave a monologue to be accepted into ITS.
By JAG Photographer Cassidy Doran
Junior Henry Hanson models his Thespian induction sign on Tues. Oct. 1.
The members of the International Thespian Society held their annual inductee ceremony for the 11 newly inducted members in the Theater Tuesday, Oct. 1.
Newly inducted member senior Anna Frontaura is the only senior, and is excited to be a part of ITS and looking forward to this year.
“I really do like being here, with all of the kids involved and I like the theater group because it’s a nice environment,” Frontaura said.
ITS members have to meet certain requirements to be in.
“[To be in ITS] you have to have a certain amount of hours in two different categories, be in two shows, and do other things that pertain to the theater like stage crew. They all combine to be eligible for ITS,” Frontaura said.
Many of the new Thespians, along with sponsor John Copeland, look forward to the Thespian Conference every year.
“We have ThesCon state conference in Wichita each year where we watch performances and go to workshops,” Copeland said.
ITS members have roles other than ones in the theater, according to Copeland.
“I use the Thespians as leaders. At play auditions, there were 100 kids trying out, and I used the Thespians as hall monitors to keep the kids in line and to tell them when it was their turn to audition,” Copeland said.
The newly inducted members to ITS are Caitlin Alley, Taylor Anderson, Peyton Barton, Libby Brennaman, Brady Franklin, Anna Frontaura, Gretchen Gambill, Henry Hanson, Austin Isern, Abigail Laning, and Danielle Stompoly.