JagPRIDE holds Halloween-themed stress-relieving seminar
“Spook Away Your Stress” gives student a chance to relax and chat with friends
By Claire Boone
Freshman Sydney Ebner wraps her friend in toilet paper during a stress free seminar on Wednesday, Oct. 19. “This has been really fun with my friends, we’ve been coloring and just hanging out,” Ebner said.
October 20, 2016
Students attended the “Spook Away Your Stress” stress-relieving event during seminar on Wednesday, Oct. 19. At the event, students colored Halloween-themed photos then used the app Quiver to make their drawings come to life. Additionally, they wrapped their friends like a mummy using toilet paper.

Breaking free from a toilet paper wrapping, senior Diana Auckly poses for a picture. “It felt really satisfying, because it all just ripped,” Auckly said.
In preparation for the event, senior jagPRIDE member Mary Petropoulos said jagPRIDE prepared for the event the same way it has for previous events. According to Petropoulos, the members would meet in the mornings and exchange ideas for the events. The preparation for this event wasn’t different from any other event.
“[Other jagPRIDE members and I] knew we wanted it Halloween-themed, so we sat and brainstormed ideas we wanted and got supplies,” Petropoulos said.
For senior Diana Auckly, school is one of her everyday stresses. Her curiosity drove her towards attending the event.
“There’s a member of jagPRIDE in my seminar who was talking about it, and I just thought it sounded really fun,” Auckly said.
“Spook Away Your Stress” was a success. The senior cafe was filled with chatter from students talking with their friends; other students laughed as they wrapped their friends in toilet paper; those being mummified, such as Auckly, grimaced and laughed along. Almost every table had students at it or near it, and the energy was at an all-time high.
![Coloring a picture during the stress free seminar, freshman Maddie Allen spends time with her friends. "Doing activities like this helps you [to] relax yourself, and it never hurts to be with friends," Allen said.](https://www.mvnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/cbo_stress_free_seminar_10_19_0115-300x200.gif)
Coloring a picture during the stress free seminar, freshman Maddie Allen spends time with her friends. “Doing activities like this helps you [to] relax yourself, and it never hurts to be with friends,” Allen said.
Aside from coloring, other various ways students can relieve stress is by going for a walk, giving someone a hug, going to bed earlier, talking about their stress and focusing on what they can control instead of what they cannot.
“My favorite [stress-reliever] is candles,” Petropoulos said. “I love lighting candles and it smells good and makes me relaxed.”
In the future, Auckly finds herself attending more stress-relieving events.
“I just love being able to have a creative outlet and get away from stress,” Auckly said.