Jaguar baseball sweeps Piper 12-2, 9-0
The boys baseball team defeats the Piper Pirates and increases its record to 9-1
The baseball team defeated Piper 12-2 and 9-0 on Tuesday, April 22.
The baseball team defeated Piper in its double header 12-2, 9-0 on Tuesday, April 22. With the team’s record at 9-1, junior outfielder Zach Hanna said the game was successful.
“[We played] good, we didn’t have any errors and no walks, which helps win ball games,” Hanna said.
The team’s performance against Piper helped the team prepare for future games.
“We started off kind of slow and not playing very well [in the beginning of the season]; after the first seven games got out of the way we finally started putting the pieces together,” Hanna said. “We have eight games in a week, so [the win] helped us face the adversity of us growing and getting all the arms ready for eight games in a week.”
Hanna said the team is excited to see what the post-season will bring.
“[We are] looking forward to getting out of our regionals, and once we get out of the regionals, everyone’s looking forward to the state championship,” Hanna said. “[We are] just playing together as a team, just putting the pieces together.”

Senior Sydney Carson joined the JAG Yearbook staff her sophomore year and is now a co-editor-in-chief of the JAG yearbook. She enjoys reading, her dogs, monograms, frockets and the University of Arkansas razorbacks. WOOO PIG SOOIE!