Arms around each other, juniors Hayden Rider and Jane McDaneld pose together.
Juniors Jane McDaneld and Hayden Rider
Brought together by their sister’s and their families’ close bond, juniors Jane McDaneld and Hayden Rider have been friends for nearly 12 years
April 25, 2022
After meeting at their older sister’s softball games from a young age, juniors Jane McDaneld and Hayden Rider have had a close bond spanning over 12 years. Rider believes that the reason behind their close friendship is due to the sisterhood that the friendship has created.
“I would say that our friendship is special and it’s different from others because it’s more of a sisterhood. We’re attached at the hip 24/7,” Rider said. “We do everything together and even the littlest things, I tell Jane, even if it isn’t super important to her life I still tell her and she’s always proud of me and supports me no matter what.”
Stemming from the sisterhood aspect of their friendship, McDaneld and Rider are extremely supportive of each other. McDaneld describes how that has brought them closer.

“I like how Hayden’s very supportive and she is very selfless and will do anything for me and I know that,” McDaneld said. “No matter what happens, even if it’s something stupid and simple that happens throughout the day, we know everything that the other is doing. We tell each other every little thing.”
Additionally, McDaneld and Rider’s mothers also maintain a close relationship. McDaneld explains how that has allowed their friendship to grow.
“Our moms are best friends and we always work everything out. If we fight or something, we always work it out,” McDaneld said. “I feel like we’ve gotten to the point in our friendship where we can just say if something is bothering us and we won’t be scared if the other one is going to be mad.”
On top of spending a lot of time with one another, McDaneld and Rider also work together. Rider mentions how that has allowed their bond to become stronger.
“Jane and I do everything together so we’ll go on drives, we’ll watch movies and shows together, we’ll go on little lunch or dinner dates. Even if it’s just us sitting in Jane’s room for two hours and not talking but we’re together, it’s just what we do,” Rider said. “We also work together, so that has also made us closer; and everyone at work knows we’re best friends so they’ll always correlate us together.”
Overall, McDaneld and Rider have made numerous memories with each other. Both McDaneld and Rider describe their favorite memories they have made with each other.
“In middle school, Hayden fell in a trash can and got ketchup all over herself and had to go to change in the nurse’s office,” McDaneld said. “She ended up wearing an Elsa shirt from ‘Frozen’ for the rest of the day.”
“Some of my favorite memories with her are from when we were kids and we would go to our sister’s softball games and we would play in the dirt. We would always play house with each other and I was always the mom and Jane was always the baby,” Rider said. “We’re always doing stuff together and anytime I’m with Jane we always create such amazing memories together.”