Junior Cooper Hutteger’s comedic tweets attract attention

Hutteger convinces his mom he’s “dropping mix tapes” and posts her reaction online

Sam Lopez, JagWire news editor


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


What do you think about your tweets becoming “twitter famous”?

I didn’t really expect it. But one day someone texted me and said that there was someone tweeting my tweets and I looked at it and it had like 10,000 favorites and I was really surprised. I didn’t think it would get that big.

What kind of reactions did you get? 

My friends thought it was really cool. I still think it’s pretty cool. People still ask me about it and random people recognize me from them.

Where did you get this idea?

Well, it just kind of came out one day. I was with my friends and I just said some stuff to her about being a trapper and I put it on twitter and it got like 50 favorites at first and then I posted another one and it went up to like 100 and then I posted the third one and it started getting big, like 500 [likes] and went on to get tweeted by bigger accounts and get about 9,000 favorites.

How did you go about doing this?

It all depends on what she replies with and if I can make something out of it. But there’s been multiple times where I’ve tried to make something out of it and nothing happens but it’s just…sometimes I’ll text her first to see if I can get a reaction out of her.

What does your mom think about it?

She thinks it’s funny. Sometimes she gets mad at me when I tweet about her, but people talk to her about the tweets and she’ll laugh.

Why did you decide to do multiple parts?

I just liked making people laugh and having them be like oh you’re so funny. It puts a smile on my face when I see I’m making people feel better. Maybe in the future I might do a couple more. It all depends on what she says and if I can get a reaction out of her.


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