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School nominates King and Queen of Winter Sports candidates

King and Queen of Winter Sports candidates were finally selected on Tuesday, Feb. 7.

Candidates were selected by the student body through voting that occurred within the previous week.

This year’s queen candidates are Mackenzie Acree, Sarah Darby, Sierra Miles, Heidi Mustapich and Kati Strickland. The king candidates are Brandon Boyer, Wade Hanna, Ryan Hannah, Justice Oehlert and Robbie Weber.

Strickland said she was pleased about the nomination and being selected by the student body.

“I am excited,” Strickland said. “It is an honor to be selected by the entire school.”

Hanna agrees.

“It feels fantastic to be nominated,” Hanna said. “I feel loved by all my peers.”

Candidates will be presented to the school at the pep assembly on Friday, Feb. 24, the same day the crowning will occur at the game, and the same day as the mixer.

“I wish the mixer was formal, but I am still excited,” Miles said. “It is going to be really fun.”

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