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Learning to teach

Learning to teach

Senior Sarah Jane Clark tutors others to help prepare her for a future teaching career.

How long have you been tutoring?

That’s a hard question, I can’t put an exact date on it. I’ve helped others tutor since ninth grade, just helping out whenever I can, especially in mathematics.

When do you normally tutor?

6 a.m., right before a College Algebra test, or whenever a student needs me. I can be contacted via Facebook, so if [someone] has a question for me I can answer it then.

Why did you start tutoring?

I love helping others. I think it’s awesome to help [people]. Everyone struggles in some way and I can help someone de-stress. Also, it’s fun. I’m going to become a teacher and [tutoring] is just helping master my talent. Helping others is just the right thing to do.

What subjects do you normally tutor?

Math, specifically College Algebra and Algebra 2, as well as social studies in general.

Why those subjects?

I’m really good at math and I plan to become a math teacher. Math is just so simple to me. I tutor social studies because I plan to minor in U.S. history in college. I’ll have a secondary education degree in mathematics with a minor in history.

Why do you like math?

I just love math. It’s the best. I love numbers, I love putting numbers with letters, it’s a pile of fun. Algebra seems to be the most common [type of math] that people struggle with but I like algebra because it’s more numbers focused.

Why do you want to be a teacher?

I’ve always wanted to become a teacher. Being a teacher is the coolest thing ever for me, because you’re helping someone. We wouldn’t be where we’re at in this world without that one teacher that sparked that inspiration of becoming a math teacher or the president. Also, I feel like there’s more of a need for math teachers because lots of people struggle with math. It’s not an easy subject to conquer.

How does tutoring people benefit you?

I master the subject myself and I grow in my profession, so I can better help the next person who needs my help. It makes me feel good inside, knowing that I’m making someone’s life a little bit easier every day.

Do you ever get frustrated with tutoring?

When people get sidetracked. When I’m trying to focus and trying to help them in a group setting and people are talking about who dated who and who broke up, it’s so annoying.

What do you enjoy most about tutoring?

Helping people, point blank. Making someone’s day easier and becoming a master [of the subject].

What is your favorite memory from tutoring?

This one student, she struggled a lot with this one College Algebra subject. It took us forever, we went over this one question over and over and last time we went over it she understood it. We did another problem similar and she was able to conquer it. It took us at least six or seven tries to get it, but that just shows that with enough persistance you can do it. You just have to try hard.

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