Letter from the Editors: Hitting the ground running

With September at an end, the editors-in-chief discuss changes to the website

Welcome to a new year of Letters from the Editors, web edition. Although we aren’t too far into the school year, we’ve been hitting the ground running when it comes to coverage. With pieces focusing on different aspects of the Monticello Library put together before school started, we tried to get the website bopping early.

There are numerous changes being made to the website as well. We decided to make the menu bars more specialized so it would be easier to find the coverage you’re looking for. Additionally, Katya and Marah worked on putting together a scroll bar at the bottom of the page where readers can take a look at previous issues of the JagWire with ease.

You may have also noticed that Broadcast staffers are slowly but surely being added to the staff profiles. We wanted our wonderful MVTV staff to have their videos displayed with credit on the web. As we put together more multimedia content, videos will be credited and tagged with the appropriate staffer. 

Besides the layout changes, we’re also introducing more and more content. Our JagWire staffers  and yearbook kids are very opinionated, so we introduced a schedule to get more opinions on the website. A new piece will be posted every other day. We also really wanted to put more multimedia content on the site, so keep an eye out for more videos and graphics on stories. All of our staffers have been working hard to put together some really cool products. 

While we’ve all settled into our roles as editors-in-chief after this first month of school, we can say that, without a doubt, web is chaotic. The school is a busy place and at any given moment, you’re sure to find a journalism student at an event with their recorders and cameras out, ready to put together high-quality coverage. But, that’s also what makes the web great. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Signing off for now,

Elizabeth, Marah and Katya

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