Letter from the editors: The road is winding down

As we await for the (limited) school days to wind down, we tried to answer the question: what next? this issue

Ally Nguyen, Anika Roy, and Annie Myers

What’s up, Mill Valley? Welcome to issue seven of the JagWire. As seniors, the three of us are really looking forward to upcoming fun events: our journalism Anaheim trip, prom (still don’t have a date? Flip to page 28 for some promposal inspiration), After Prom, (which you can read all about on page five) and finally, graduation.

This last event has been long-awaited, as we’ve been preparing for it for the duration of our entire secondary education experience, so we decided to take a quick poll of our younger staff members: what are you planning for the future?

Their wide-range of answers, as well as the following questions they had for us older staffers, was the inspiration for this issue’s special section: the future. So, if you’re not sure how to choose your goals, how to achieve them, or arguably most importantly, how to pay for them, try flipping to page 13 for the answer. The three of us have said on multiple occasions while working on this issue that we wished we had known some of the information in it earlier, so we hope it helps you through your own process, or at the very least, gets the wheels turning for what your future may hold. Whatever happens, the future is bright for all jaguars.

Beyond the special section, we have a variety of topics for your enjoyment, from how to save the bees to a behind-the-scenes look into MVTV’s beloved “What’s Happening Now?” segment, so give it a read — we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.

As the semester winds down, we sincerely hope you stick with us through our next (and final) letter from the editors. If you need us, we’ll be savoring every last moment of our time here.

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