Letter to the editor: Band should be heard, not just seen
Music played over loud speaker at home football games drowns out marching band
October 16, 2014
As a senior, I have witnessed a drastic and disturbing change over the course of my four years in the band. Slowly but surely on Friday nights during the home football games we have been forced out of the regular routine, as most of our playing time has been covered by loud music played over the speaker.
The band is an integral part of the Friday night experience: we play the fight song, perform the national anthem and march during halftime. However, that is the extent of what we are allowed to do during the games.
Throughout the night, at every opportunity we have to play, we are played over by recorded music from the press box. Not only is this loud, it is also demeaning, as some of the songs played are the same exact songs we have in our repertoire. According to junior Isabel Crain, who kept time at the recent Homecoming game, the CD was played for 18 minutes and 47 seconds, and the band played for approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds, not counting the fight song or at half time.
This routine, as a longtime member of the band, is frustrating. We cannot succeed in performing on Friday nights if we are expected to play over the professional recordings.
We have even been played over when playing the fight song after a touchdown, one of the few instances we are still allowed to play. Instead, such classics as “Party Rock Anthem” are played from the loud speaker. Last I had checked, this is not our fight song.
This is also an unusual practice. No other high school in this area, including De Soto High School, plays over their band during football games. It is not fair to allow the DHS band to plays, but not the MVHS band.
Many people do not know that for the band, Friday nights are also academic; we are graded on participation and attendance. I personally love the idea of Friday night football, so I don’t mind the required attendance. However, I do not enjoy being required to attend and then not be needed.
The band spends hours of practice in and out of class to make sure that we can perform at an acceptable level on Friday nights. We go to contest, get one ratings and work hard only to be silenced. The administration should consider how playing loud recorded music on Friday night home football games affects the students in the band.
Mrs. Brecunier • Oct 18, 2014 at 10:30 pm
I agree 100% with this senior! The band takes priority over the loudspeaker music, and should command that respect from the MVHS community. Step up to the plate and make the necessary changes.
Jody Fangman • Oct 18, 2014 at 7:22 pm
I totally agree! How disrespectful to members of the band. This practice needs to change.
Diane Soriano • Oct 18, 2014 at 7:16 am
I agree! I would much rather hear our band play than the loud speaker.
Leslie Friedel • Oct 17, 2014 at 9:56 pm
I agree with Jack. I don’t mind the recorded music when the band needs a break but as a parent of two band members (graduated 2008 and 2013) I come for the half time show (band and dance) and would prefer to hear the band play whenever possible over the extremely loud recorded music. Please reconsider to let the band play! Ms. Steiner is an amazing teacher and really gets a great performance from the band members. Nicely written, Jack!
Dana Ward • Oct 17, 2014 at 9:16 pm
I whole heartedly agree with this young man. The band is a major part of Friday night football and I love to hear the band. Years ago my son played in this fantastic band under amazing instruction and I would have not even gone to the games had my son not played in the band. I now come to watch the dancers and to still listen and watch the band. I love everything about the band and what they represent. I enjoy them from the time they march in until the end of the game and I too have thought the music that is being played over the intercom is too loud and not all necessary. We have a band that is more than capable to play and get the crowd going. I do not understand this philosophy of the loud noise that is played. These students work too hard and have more respect for what they do to come and sit at these games and not get to play and/ or be heard. I am ashamed at how this administration does not see this and have enough sense or respect for these young talented hard working kids to get to enjoy doing what they are suppose to be there doing!
Karen Platt • Oct 17, 2014 at 8:14 pm
Well said Jack. The MVHS band and Ms. Steiner work extremely hard and should be able to show their talent during the football games. The loud music that is played is very annoying to say the least. I know that coach Applebee would like the atmosphere of the football game to be like that of a college game–but MVHS is not a college. Let the fans appreciate the hard work of the band just like they do that of the football players and coaches. Thanks for voicing your opinion.
Doug H • Oct 17, 2014 at 7:30 pm
Great article and superb observation. As a band parent, I too would like to hear the MVHS band more at our home football games including half time performances and less of the very loud digital media