Lizzie’s Lists of Helpful How-To’s: How to deal with anxiety

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As some people might remember back in issue three of the JagWire I wrote a column over anxiety and what it is like to have it.  Five months later it finally occurred to me that people might actually want advice on how to handle it. So this week, our topic of advice will be anxiety. Enjoy.

1. Take time for yourself. Sometimes people forget to take care of themselves, resulting in way too much stress. Take at least 15 minutes a day for yourself to do something your love.

2. Develop a routine. Routines eliminate stress and help keep you calm whether the routine is for night time, morning or anything else.

3. Talk about how you feel with a close friend or family member. Sharing your feelings and thoughts can help to relieve some stress. The people you talk to might also have some advice that could be helpful to you.

4. Exercise. Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean going on a five mile run. It could be as simple as going for a short walk or dancing to music you love. Getting out some energy is very helpful and will give you endorphins which help you to be happier and have less stress.

5. Distract yourself. When you’re feeling particularly anxious and overwhelmed, take a step back and do something else. Do something that is less stressful and will calm you down.

6. Let it happen. Sometimes just sitting there and letting your feelings flow is the best thing to do. Afterwards, pick yourself and dust yourself off.

It’s okay to completely fall apart and then be okay again. No one is okay all of the time. For me, I could have a horrible panic attack and then be completely fine and content an hour later. The key is to be resilient. Always keep in mind that you’re stronger than you think.


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