Lizzie’s Lists of Helpful How-To’s: How to stay positive

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Hello my lovely blog readers, I have some news. If you’re a loyal reader, which I honestly don’t even know if I have any of those, grab some tissues because this is my last blog. I’d thought I would end on a positive note so this week’s advice is how to stay positive. Ha, get it? Yeah I think I’m funny. Anyways summer is just around the corner so it’s not that hard to have a positive mindset but I still want to share my tips on how to be happy and positive. Read on for, sadly, my last piece of advice.

1. Do things you love. Exercising, reading, cooking, do something creative, any of these things have positive impacts that will put you in a good mood and ensure a positive feeling.

2. Smile. I’m not talking about faking a smile because I don’t know if fake smiling actually makes you feel better or not. Honestly, I doubt it but that’s besides the point. When I say smile I mean have a genuine smile, whether that be by watching a funny movie or looking up happy things on the internet. Don’t settle for a fake smile, try to be actually happy.

3. Appreciate what you have. Look around and take time to count your blessings. Someone cares about you, you have enough food and you have a roof over your head. These are important things that often get overlooked but they really shouldn’t be. Sometimes you need to just step out of yourself and assess your situation. Think about what a real problem would be, think about a worst case scenario, and compare your problem to that. Chances are it barely compares, so just be happy with what you do have. Remember to focus on the positive aspects of life rather than dwell on the negative.

4. Spend time with the people you love. People who you care about and who care about you will make you feel happy. Have a good time and think about how light your heart gets when you spend time with them, as corny as it sounds it’s true.

5. Don’t overreact to bad situations. Whether it be someone taking your parking space, you spilling your coffee, or you not getting the grade you had wanted, a lot of people’s first instinct is to overreact. It’s definitely not the end of the world and you have to put it in perspective of how this event affects you in the future. Will this affect you tomorrow? If it’s something like spilling your coffee, the answer is probably not. Just remember to save your energy for things that actually matter.

6. Share your happiness with others. Share a smile, a hug, a laugh, your time, what ever it is, just share. When you share it not only makes the person you’re sharing with happier but yourself as well.

Being positive and happy takes a lot of initiation, it usually doesn’t just come naturally. Work towards being lighthearted and remember to not take things too seriously. I’m afraid to say it, but this has been my last blog. I hope I helped you in any way, no matter how. Even if I just helped one person, it’s worth it. *Wipes stray tear* It has been an honor sharing my advice and I wish you all the best. If you took the time to read any of my blogs, thank you, I sincerely appreciate it. This has been Lizzie Kulcsar, signing off for the last time. Stay classy Mill Valley.

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