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Math teacher Laurie Deuschle

What is your favorite thing to drink?

“I love Diet Coke with Lime. I hide them in the house. If we have company I don’t offer it unless they are really close friends.”

What did you want to be when you were younger?

“My mother swears I wanted to be a nurse in elementary school but I don’t remember it.  In middle school, I wanted to be a math teacher, and in high school I wanted to be an accountant .  I decided to major in accounting in college with a minor in education, but then I felt a calling to be a teacher.”

Where is the one place you would love to go in the world?

“Hawaii.  I don’t know why, it was always my dream vacation.  But, now I guess since I went already I would have to say Paris.”

What is your favorite color?

“Brown, because it looks good everywhere.  In a house, on the walls, on people, even pasty people, just anywhere.”

What is your favorite television show?

“Definitely Numbers.  But they started getting a little more risqué and when I show them in class I would think, ‘My students don’t need to see that!’ Especially when they started living together…but now I would have to say Leverage.

What is your favorite style of music?

“Christian, well maybe Christian rock but I’m not sure.”

You are planning on being a millionaire. How are you going to accomplish that?

“Yes.  I try not to spend my money, and I can’t spend it once I get my million because then I won’t have a million.  But my advice is stay out of debt, invest young and if you don’t have the cash, don’t buy it.”

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