Mayhem Week ends with mud volleyball
Students participate in last spirit week event
Blocking a mud covered volleyball on Saturday, May 10, senior Jason Biesma participates in the annual Mayhem Week mud volleyball game.
The annual mud volleyball tournament was held as a part of Mayhem Week on Saturday, May 10. The tournament was hosted at the school behind the baseball field. The first game began at noon, and the chamionship game ended at 3:30 p.m.
Sophomore Cooper Hutteger competed in the tournament with the Terry Geise Disciples.
“It was really muddy,” Hutteger said. “I liked the mud aspect.”
The Swole Squad team placed first and consisted of seniors Jack Lopez and Jason Biesma, juniors Teddy Gillespie, Mitch Perkins and Kurt Loevenstein and sophomore Derek Meeks.
Sophomore Lilly Lutz competed in the tournament with Kiss My Ace and she enjoyed the event because of the mud.
“It was super fun to play in the mud,” Lutz said. “Everyone on my team has never played volleyball before so we were just playing for fun.”
The tournament involved volleyball teams who played in the mud. It was a double elimination tournament, and Kiss My Ace was eliminated because they lost both of their games.
Hutteger’s team ended up with a final record of 2-1.
“We did mighty good out there,” Hutteger said.
Hutteger also greatly enjoyed playing in the tournament.
“I really liked getting down and dirty with the other volleyball teams,” Hutteger said.

This is senior Nick Booth’s third year on the JagWire staff. He is very excited to be copy editor and to continue his work with Mill Valley News, which includes his gaming blog Extra Lives. Outside of journalism, Nick is involved in band, debate, forensics, Science Olympiad, Quiz Bowl and drama and is co-captain of the robotics team. In his free time, Nick loves to read, watch a nice movie, play video games or listen to some music.