MV Outreach takes part in Autism Walk
MV Outreach students help raise $500 for Walk for Autism Speaks
While holding a poster which is signed by students who are in MV Outreach, sophomores Emma Wilhoit and Ally Saab walk around the perimeter of the KC Sporting field.
April 27, 2015
MV Outreach participated in the walk for Autism Speaks on Saturday, April 25. The 5k featured booths that showcased ways to help those with autism spectrum disorder.
Sophomore MV Outreach president Emma Wilhoit said the club became interested in the event because it works closely with special needs students.
“MV Outreach does outreach within the community. We saw that there was an autism [spectrum disorder] walk and we had a lot of people who wanted to get involved,” Wilhoit said.
The 22 students who walked raised $500 for Autism Speaks. Sophomore Sue Kim was surprised by the accomplishment because the club was brand new at the beginning of the school year.
“To know that we were going to raise such a large amount of money in such a short amount of time for a good cause it [felt] good,” sophomore Sue Kim said. “It felt really great since this is such a new club.”
The day was filled with support and learning according to Kim.
“The walk was a really good experience because not only were we able to support the people who have autism [spectrum disorder] but it was a learning opportunity as well they had different booths set up showing different activities that help with autism [spectrum disorder],” Kim said. “Just the environment was a positive way to show people with autism [spectrum disorder] that we are here to help.”