MV Update Sept. 16

At their meeting on Monday, Sept. 14, approved a plan to fill their vacant fourth position; Choir director selected as a finalist for teaching award

Adri Talavera, JagWire opinions editor/business manager

Board of Education position available

Those interested in serving on the board should contact Clerk of the Board of Education Wendy Denham to receive an application.

Applicants must be 18 years or older, registered to vote and be a resident within the boundaries of position four.

Applications are due to Denham by September 30. Interviews for the position will be held on Monday, Oct. 5. A new member will be appointed at a special meeting on Oct. 12 and he/she will begin serving at the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, Nov. 2.

Congratulations to Kansas Teacher of the Year semi-finalist choir director Sheree Stoppel

Choir director Sheree Stoppel was recently named a semi-finalist for the 2015 Kansas Teacher of the Year, a distinction designed to recognize, “exemplary teachers who are leaders in the improvement of schools, student performance, and the teaching profession”. Over a hundred teachers across the state were nominated for Kansas Teacher of the Year. Six semifinalists, three elementary teachers and three secondary teachers, are chosen from each of the four regions of the state. Of those semi-finalists, one elementary teacher and one secondary teacher from each region is selected as a finalist.

Since 2000, USD 232 has had 13 state finalists and 12 seminfinalists — more than any other school district in Kansas congressional region 3.

Finalists receive a 2000 dollar cash prize and the chance to be selected as the Kansas Teacher of the Year.

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