NEHS holds Valentine’s Day carnation sale

The club sold and distributed carnations to pay for NEHS senior’s graduation cords on Tuesday, Feb. 14

By Allison Winker

Senior Savannah Chappell smiles as she is given a carnation by NEHS member sophomore Liz Fraka.

Allison Winker, JAG editor-in-chief

All across the school on Valentine’s Day, buckets of flowers and messages were being handed out to students in their first block classes as a part of NEHS’ carnation sale on Tuesday, Feb. 14. The club held the sale to raise money to pay for NEHS seniors’ graduation cords and made progress towards doing so.

Sophomore NEHS member Elizabeth Joseph said the group wanted to have the fundraiser not only to raise money, but also to get the club’s name out and make students happy.

“[Our sponsor] Mrs. Anderson had carnation sales when she was in high school and that’s where we got the idea from,” Joseph said. “We thought it would just be a nice idea to establish us in the school, and to have a good thing to do for Valentine’s Day.”

One of many students who received carnations, junior Ava Taton enjoyed the kind gesture from the senders and from the club.

“[Carnations] are a meaningful little gift and it lets you know that you are appreciated by somebody, so it was nice that NEHS did that for the school,” Taton said.

Joseph feels that the carnations made students feel good, therefore fulfilling the club’s goal.

“The overall feeling when we delivered the flowers was happiness,” Joseph said. “I think it was a nice thing to do on the student body’s behalf, and I liked that people got a positive start to their day.”

In addition to raising money for NEHS, Taton likes that the event had a positive message for the school.

“I think giving carnations is beneficial for the school because it raises money for a good cause,” Taton said. “It’s also just a fun event for people to participate in, and it makes people happy.”

Joseph’s favorite part of the event was seeing people receive their carnations while delivering them.

“I thought the sale was pretty successful. It was just nice seeing everyone with their carnations all day,” Joseph said. “I helped deliver them, so it was really sweet to see people’s reactions when they got their carnations.”

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