NEHS hosts send a Crush to your Crush fundraiser

The fundraiser took the place of the usual February Carnation sale Monday, Feb. 14

Libby Strathman, JAG photo editor

Mill Valley’s chapter of the National English Honors Society capitalized on Valentine’s Day, Monday, Feb. 14, a school day by offering students the opportunity to have a Crush soda delivered to another student during their first block.

According to NEHS secretary Anna Springer, NEHS opted to forego their traditional February carnation sale in favor of the “Send a Crush to your Crush” fundraiser due to complications with timing.

“We decided to sell Crush bottles this year instead of carnations because carnations were too much of a hassle seeing as Valentine’s Day was on a Monday this year and they would need to be sorted on Friday,” Springer said. “We didn’t want to risk the carnations dying or not being as fresh after sitting out all weekend.”

Many Mill Valley students, including junior Kylie Wilson, were surprised with the Crush sodas purchased for them by their peers.

“I was sent an Orange Crush Soda by my friend,” Wilson said. “She just sent it to be kind.”

Springer was excited with the success of the fundraiser.

“The fundraiser was very successful,” Springer said. “We sold about $180 worth of Crush. We use the money to purchase the cords that NEHS seniors wear at graduation.”

NEHS sponsor Page Anderson attributes the success of the fundraiser to its uniqueness.

“I think what made the fundraiser so popular and successful was the newness of it. In my time at Mill Valley, I don’t recall a fundraiser of this kind,” Anderson said.  “I also think the tag, ‘Send a Crush to your Crush’ made it more of a selling point. Students were also excited that they were able to pick the flavor of the Crush.”

The delivery of the Crush sodas brightened the Monday morning of many students, including Wilson.

“I liked receiving the soda because it showed me that I have someone that cares about me,” Wilson said.

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