By Anna Owsley

New band teacher excited to witness existing band traditions

Renee Huey is passionate about teaching elective music classes

JagWire: What are you most excited about in your new position?

Renee Huey: I’m most excited about just watching and getting to see how everything goes at Mill Valley because everybody always does something differently, so I’m really excited to see the traditions that the band has already. I’m also really excited that I get to do fifth grade band at Prairie Ridge because they’re just so cute. They’re adorable.

JW: What are you looking forward to about teaching?

RH: I’m really looking forward to not only getting to teach band, but getting to do some electives too. History of Rock and Roll is also something I’m super passionate about, and I never thought I’d get to teach it so that’s pretty cool.

JW: What led you to a career in teaching your subject area?

RH: I started playing instruments when I was in second grade and from there I knew that I wanted to learn how to play every instrument. When I figured out that was a job, it sold it for me. That was the coolest thing ever.

JW: Give us a fun fact, or something unique about yourself, to help us get to know you.

RH: I really enjoy rock climbing, and I go to Colorado about every summer to find new areas to rock climb.

JW: What was your favorite rock climbing area?

RH: This summer, I went down by Alamosa and there’s a trail that goes past the Rio Grande. It’s actually the canyon next to it, and there’s 300 plotted rock climbing spots so you can just climb all day. It’s pretty cool and beautiful.

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