New bowling coaches plan to lead team to victory

Bowling coach Amy McClure hopes to gain new experience

By Izzy James

New bowling coach, Amy McClure, is ready to lead team to victory.

Ciara Pemberton, JAG photo editor and student life editor

JAG staffer: How did you receive the position to be a bowling coach?

Bowling coach Amy McClure: I applied for the position, talked to [athletic director Jerald] VanRheen, and interviewed for [the job] shortly after.

JS: Why were you interested in becoming a coach for the bowling team?

AM: I have always been interested in sports in general. I grew up in a family that is very sports-oriented, so when the opportunity came up, I was excited to coach another sport that I had never coached before. It was important that we had one male coach and one female coach since it’s boys and girls bowling. In the past, we’ve had two male coaches, but with having both boys and girls on the team, I just felt like I wanted to be a part of [the] coaching [staff] so that the girls could have a female coach to help them out as well.

JS: What is your approach for coaching bowling this season?

AM: With both of us being new, coach [Geoff] White and I are going to work together to try to develop a program that we feel meets the needs of all the team members, both boys and girls. We want to better the program and do what’s best for both boys and girls.

JS: What are your goals for the season?

AM: We are looking to learn as much as we can while also being a competitive team in 6A, since that is new for us as well.

JS: What specific parts of the season are you looking forward to the most?

AM: I’m really looking forward to getting started; we don’t have tryouts until the week of Monday, Dec. 10. The other winter sports got started before we did, which is typical with bowling, so I’m really just excited about having tryouts and then start practicing after winter break on Monday, Jan. 7.

JS: Why is it important for you to be able to coach a high school sport?

AM: I just like interacting with kids outside of the classroom, trying to be a positive role model for them, teaching them what it takes to be part of a team to learn skills that they’ll use later in life ー teamwork, cooperation, work ethic, that kind of thing.

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