By Natalie Merley

Holding a psychology textbook, social studies and psychology teacher Reece Petty is eager to get back into teaching, Wednesday, August 31. “I am looking forward to getting back into teaching social studies and getting in the flow of teaching psychology again” Petty said. “Adding civics on to that, it’ll be a lot of fun.”

New psychology and social studies teacher looks forward to teaching and coaching

After coming from Hayes Middle School, social studies and psychology teacher Reece Petty is ready to start a new chapter of teaching.

Mill Valley News: Let’s start with your background, where were you before Mill Valley? Where did you go to college and what did you major in?

Reece Petty: I’ve been to a bunch of different places. I went to the University of Kansas. Then after that, I taught at Lansing High School for two years then I taught college football for eight years. I was in Iowa and then New York. Then I came back to Kansas three years ago. I was at a small 2A school where I taught at an elementary school. And then last year, I was at Hayes Middle School in western Kansas and now I’m here at Mill Valley High School. 

MVN: How long have you been teaching social studies and psychology? 

RP: I taught two years of psychology and social studies at Lansing.  This is my third year doing it. 

MVN: Why did you choose to come to Mill Valley? 

RP: The reputation of working at Lansing before and knowing, academically and with the community and then of course, I’m coaching so athletically. The high standards they had here, plus, the good community. 

MVN: What do you like most about Mill Valley so far? 

RP: So far? It’s the people. People I work with, the students that I work with, everyone’s highly motivated and everyone cares and it’s moving in the right direction to make it a good school experience. 

MVN: What are you looking forward to most out of this year? 

RP: I am looking forward to getting back into teaching social studies and getting in the flow of teaching psychology again and then adding civics on to that so it’ll be a lot of fun. Also, [I’m] looking forward to a really good football season this fall. I’m going to be coaching basketball too. 

MVN: What are your interests outside of school? 

RP: Probably my two favorite things to do is I like to golf and I like going to concerts. 

MVN: Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you? 

RP: Just that I’m always available if anyone ever needs help and I’m willing to help out however I can. 

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