Earlier this year, I was cast in our Spring Play as Rebecca Gibbs from “Our Town”. When I first auditioned for the show, I was not interested in playing Rebecca. However, after being cast in the role, I had a surreal moment of realization. In my six years of acting, I had never played a younger character before. I had always performed adult roles, especially dramatic ones. Like, my very first role was Sadness from “Inside Out”. While I love those dramatic roles, and they are my favorite types to play, this opportunity felt so special.
For example Rebecca is around the same age I was when I first started theater, which felt insane. At that moment, I sensed that this had to be a sign from God. It led me to a surreal realization that this role was exactly what I needed. Throughout my sophomore year, I had felt like it was my last year of youth. I know that sounds dramatic, but as cliché as it is, high school teaches us so much about growing up, and it goes by so fast.
In your freshman year, you are the youngest in almost every activity. By your junior year, you become an upperclassman, and there’s an expectation for you to be a role model for the underclassmen. Your sophomore year, however, is your last chance to be in between—to not know everything but still have more responsibility.
I don’t mind being seen as a role model, but deep down, I have a real fear of growing up. I’m scared of not being able to say the craziest ideas I come up with out loud, to act a little childish, to laugh at myself, to just be too young to know any better. I guess my biggest fear is not being enough just by being myself.
So, I am forever grateful for this opportunity to play a child and for the realization of how important this year is for me. I will do everything I can to enjoy the last few months of my youth and embrace the little girl in me through Rebecca every, every minute I’m on stage.
Finally, if you are a sophomore, I encourage you to do the same. Enjoy the last moments of your youth while you can. If you are a freshman, cherish this time and don’t waste next year — take full advantage of being young.