Paper books are worth saving

In a technologically advanced world, printing physical copies of books is sadly decreasing

Anika Roy, JagWire editor-in-chief

Try as I might to keep my “nerdiness” to a minimum, I’ll admit I absolutely adore books. Not only the content of their text, but also their touch, their smell and their other distinct physical characteristics.I still remember the excitement that came along with receiving my first library card and checking out my very first book. I remember the pure thrill of my elementary school’s annual book fair. These scenes, however, are becoming distorted as paper books are quickly being replaced by electronic ones. My beloved paperback or hardcover books are decreasing in popularity and it’s up to us to prevent a future extinction.

I’m not saying I don’t understand the reasoning behind the transition. E-books are typically thought of as the smaller alternative that are easier to carry around, though this depends on the device. A paper book is, on average, 8 inches tall, which is indeed bigger than an iphone, but, according to Amazon, is actually 1.7 inches shorter than the most recently released Kindle.

Reading books on a device may also appear to be more convenient, as people carry their phones everywhere. However, there’s nothing convenient about said device dying on you, forcing you to find a nearby outlet while you’re knee deep in a plot.

I shamefully admit that I purchased my first e-book on my phone a few weeks ago. It was one in which my friends had fallen in love with and were constantly nagging on me to read. I can tell you now that their nagging has continued since then, as over twenty days have passed and I’ve read four pages. While my busy schedule plays a role in the lack of reading, I also blame the constant distractions my phone provides me with. I value my time reading, as I get to escape reality for a while. But when reading on my phone, a snapchat, text or twitter update will pop up, and I am immediately brought back to the world in which I spend too much time on social media already.

Reading hard copies of books are also a healthier alternative. CNN studies have shown that Americans devote nearly half of their day, approximately 10 hours and 39 minutes, to screen time. To avoid hypocrisy, I’ll confess that this statistic may apply to me, but I can also say that I sometimes do grow tired of staring at a screen and I know it’s bad for my health. Negative consequences related to learning, sleep, self-confidence, weight and overall physical health and social skills come along with staring at a screen too long, according to Rally Health.

There’s an indescribable, wholesome feeling that came along with my family’s nightly routine of picking out children’s books for my parents to read to my two younger sisters and I before bed. Books bring so much happiness to me, and to a world in desperate need of joy.

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